29 Apr 2020 RUCKUS ZoneDirector Config: Best Practice

CommScope RUCKUS ZoneDirector Best Practice Configuration RF Guide
Author: Alex Claro, Solutions Architect Team Lead at Purdicom (CCNP, CWNA)
Jump on the video below and find out more about RUCKUS ZoneDirector.
It’s about an 11-minute watch for all the best-practice basics you’ll need for setting up your network!
Our Technical team are always more than happy to provide you with a 121 demo to help support you through setting up your RUCKUS ZoneDirector and configuring your AP’s. It’s part of our Value-Add. Here is a recent demo that Alex carried out for one of our partners. And because we know this is something that is also useful to our wider community, he very kindly videoed the demo so we could share it with all of you!
This demonstration walks through all the main settings and best practices when configuring your RUCKUS ZoneDirector and your networks access points. This is discussed in the context of various scenarios including the ideal configuration for an Education setting, within Hospitality and even down to the different areas where your Wi-Fi access points may be situated such as corridors, classrooms or bedrooms. All very useful stuff!
How to Edit the Main Group of Wi-Fi Access Points in ZoneDirector
In the main ‘Edit AP Group’ we look at how to drill down to model-specific settings with some nice touches, such as how to disable LEDs on an access point. Really important for hotels where access points are located in bedrooms!
What Settings Are Available in the ‘Create WLAN’ Section?
In the ‘Create WLAN’ section, Alex talks us through lots of features such as ‘Application Recognition & Control’ which can be used to glean information on what websites and applications users are accessing on your network, such as Facebook or Office 365 for example. This is useful because it tells you whether the Wi-Fi is being used mostly for streaming or if it’s for corporate use. You can also configure ZoneDirector so see how much data is being used, again a very useful metric when making decisions about the design and configuration of your network.
Learn how to impose rate limits on the whole SSID for both the uplink and downlink or how to set this at layer 3 and 4 so the limits are set per client. It is also possible to gain information on the different operating systems people are using and Alex will talk you through load balancing and band balancing amongst a whole host of other important considerations.
We hope you’ll find this quick article of benefit. The majority of technical support calls we receive in this area concern Wi-Fi performance. It is almost always related to configuration and because this has not been optimised. This guide provides you with all the basics you need.
If you need any further information, please please contact us directly. We’re here to help. +44(0) 1488 647 647 or sales@purdi.com
What else is on? Check the links below for all other relevant events:
Please take the time to check our latest technical webinar schedule. Over the next few months, we will be covering everything from Security, Wi-Fi, Cloud, Switching and Network Management. All webinars are recorded and you’ll find the links to all previous events on here too. We also have some free RUCKUS ICX sales training coming up, so be sure to check that out too.
Purdicom is still running all RUCKUS accredited training. For a limited time, this will be running as part of our Virtual Classroom and is available at less than half the usual price.